
Speaker, Experten, Panelisten & Moderation

Speaker auf der Mainstage

Lea Fäh - Moderation

Journalistin bei «Finanz und Wirtschaft», Moderatorin und Expertin

Ewa Christina Ming

Founder What's Next Forum, Host, Multiple-Entrepreneur, Innovation World
Founder & Host

Dr. Simone Ruppertz-Rausch

Head of Sales Engineering Switzerland and Austria, Google Cloud
Google Cloud Host

Rupert Breheny

Founder Cobalt (ex-Google, BBC, Ogilvy, Publicis), Speaker, AI and XR maestro

Martin Sturzenegger

Managing Director, Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich, Leadership & Innovation

Jean Christophe Gostanian

Humanoid & Service Roboter Experte, Avatare, CEO Avatarion Technology

Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann

Studiengangleiter Master in Business Information Systems and Bachelor in Business Artificial Intelligence, FHNW

Stefan Metzger

Former CEO of digitalswitzerland, Board Member, Digital Advisor & Entrepreneur

Marek Dutkiewicz

EY Entrepreneur of the Year, Focus HR & KI, Founder HR Campus

Claudia Lässer

Chief Product Officer, blue Sport & blue News, Speaker in Positive Leadership

Tom Hanan

Founder & CEO Webrepublic AG, Digital Marketer, EY Entrepreneur of the Year

Andreia Fernandes

Portfoliocareerist: Positive Psychology, Leadership & Strategy Advisor, Coach, & Lecturer. SEABRAND Int. GmbH

Jonas Schneider

Founder The Blackouts Showgroup, Tech and LED Freak

Lucy Avatar

Freelancer - Out of the metaverse

Speaker in den Parallel Sessions (Labs, Demopoints, Experience Corner etc.)

Sandra Lugonjic

HR Strategies Consultant, HR Campus

Felix Anderegg

Head of Technology & Innovation, HR Campus

Pascal Achermann

Unity Developer, VRFX Realtime Studio

Claudio Antonelli

Artdirektor, VRFX Realtime Studio

Silvia Boller

HFP Management & Leadership, Consulting, Academy, Experts, Founder & CEO T-Bridge Work in Life

Le-an Lai Lacaba

AI-Enabled VA Agency, Certified AI Consultant, 100 Most Influential Filipino Women, Co-Founder 2xYou

Dorian Kind

Director Data & Technologies, Webrepublic AG

Carsten Szameitat

CRO @ Svarmony, Expert in XR, Retail Innovation, President of LBMA

Tanja Kalt

E-CMS, Webapplikationen, CRM & Sales, CS2 AG

Rolf Jeger

Gründer und Beratungsleiter, VOIMA gmbh, KI-Buchautor und KI-Experte

Dani Kalt

Gründer & CEO, CS2 AG, Pionier, Pragmatist und Visionär

Im Google Atelier Digital

Claudia Moro

Data Solutions & Platforms Lead Switzerland, Google

Micha Jakob

Senior Industry Manager Retail, Google

Evelyn Leu

Industry Manager & Lead Eucation Projects, Google